- Climate Wikience - http://www.wikience.org -

getTimeSeries: option “withLatsLons”

Add latitude and longitude coordinate to each date (line of the data frame) for the extracted time series.

> library(RWikience)
> w<-WikienceConnect()
Lookup : //localhost:8001/CWikienceRMIServer
RMI object found
> queryTimeSeries(w, "MERRA.Precipitation.Total", "01 01 1979", "01 08 2014", 12.0, -54.0, 12.0,-56.0 )
> getTimeSeriesPointsLatsLons(w)
  lat       lon
1  12 -56.00000
2  12 -55.33334
3  12 -54.66667
4  12 -54.00000
> getTimeSeriesPointCount(w)
[1] 4


Without “withLatsLons”

> t <- getTimeSeries(w, 0)
> head(t, T)
        date        value
1 1979-01-01 2.231096e-06


With “withLatsLons”

> t <- getTimeSeries(w, 0, withLatsLons = TRUE)
> head(t, T)
        date        value lat lon
1 1979-01-01 2.231096e-06  12 -56


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